
We’re here to help you get the most out of Templater. Whether you’re new to this, already an advanced user, or just want to learn more about Templater before buying it, you’ve come to the right place.


A great way to get started using Templater is by watching our screencasts. These video tutorials cover everything from the basics all the way to advanced techniques.

Documentation and FAQs

Sometimes it helps to have things in writing. Our support documentation contains a searchable library of information about installing, configuring, using and troubleshooting Templater, complete with nifty screenshots and step-by-step instructions written in plain English.

Also, there’s a decent chance that someone else has asked us the same question you now have. If we have heard it more than a few times, we posted an answer to it on our FAQ page.


If our screencasts and documentation don’t provide the help you need, try our forum. The global community of Templater users are some pretty helpful and talented folks. Post a question and someone will point you in the right direction. Or, search the forum and perhaps you’ll find that someone has already received help on the same question you have.

Still Need Help?

If the screencasts, documentation, FAQs and forum didn’t address your issue, please submit a support ticket. We will respond within three business days to help you resolve it (or faster if you have the Premium or Ultimate support packages).

Help Us Improve

We’re all about continuous improvement and value your feedback. Could we have explained something better in our documentation? Is there a screencast you’d like to see? Whatever the case, please let us know.

What is PopChar?

Dataclay has partnered with Ergonis to offer PopChar in a special bundle with Templater Rig. Elevate your text editing experience with PopChar, the ultimate tool for easy access to special characters. Say goodbye to the tedious task of searching and copy-pasting. PopChar allows you to search and quickly insert any special character from your installed fonts, right where you need it. Learn more

Templater + PopChar

See PopChar in action in a recent Dataclay Vodcast.